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Make a Donation

We urgently need your help today so we can continue to house and help LGBTQ+ youth in Poland and take in more young people in need

Support us by donating 1.5% of your tax.
The Warsaw House Foundation
Public Benefit Organization (OPP)
-> KRS: 0000888258

To make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation in The US, please click here

Make a donation using the one of the platforms:

Bank accounts:

account in PLN –  33 1600 1462 1856 7813 9000 0001

account in USD –   76 1600 1462 1856 7813 9000 0003


account in EURO –  PL 06 1600 1462 1856 7813 9000 0002


LGBTQ+ youth are 120% more likely than heterosexual youth to experience homelessness.


of homeless LGBTQ+ cite youth family
rejection as the cause of homelessness

4 times more

An LGBTQ+ teen is 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than a heterosexual youth.

5th Year in a Row

For the 5th Year in a Row, Poland was ranked as the worst country in the EU for LGBTQ+ rights and safety by ILGA Europe.

7 000

18-year olds in Poland age out of foster care and orphanages each year.

1/3 of Poland

LGBT free zones” until recently made up 1/3 of Poland.